Business Clusters: Competition vs. ”Co-opetition”

The Indian economy is no stranger to business clusters. Intertwined deeply within the Indian economy, business clusters can be credited with creating a significant impact, employing millions of people through interconnected businesses, suppliers, and buyers. Take for example the Firozabad glassworks and bangle cluster. As one of the oldest and more well-known clusters in India,…

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Women Entrepreneurs – What Makes them Stand Out?

A quick glance around India’s metropolitan cities shows an increased presence of women in the workforce. According to Forbes India, women in India occupy nearly 30% of corporate senior management positions, but the overall workforce lags considerably behind. In India, the challenges to fueling women’s growth come from the usual suspects; either families and societies…

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Why AYE matters

Certainly, in the last few years, Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) have created a tangible impact on India’s MSME sector, and Aye Finance is proud to have has contributed to this sea change in the economy. However, despite steady revenues and a tremendous contribution to the Indian economy, MSMEs have been left behind by large-scale financial…

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#AyeCan, says Intejaar

Intejaar’s factory and warehouse are an unusual treat and a dream come true for every movie buff out there; especially the ones who love fantasy movies! Intejaar, who’s based in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, manufacturers a highly specialized (and seldomly seen!) product. He makes armour, made out of iron, and his products are used in movies…

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The Need for Investing in MSMEs

In the growth story of India, MSMEs are the protagonists. To understand the need for investing in MSMEs, it’s important to understand their contribution to the Indian economy. Believe it or not, collectively, Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the 2nd largest employers in India, coming in right behind the agrarian sector. According to…

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The Evolution of Lending

The Evolution of Lending The practice of borrowing and lending money seems to be as old as the invention of money. A quick dig into the history of lending shows that borrowers, lenders, and stringent lending rules existed as early as the Mesopotamian civilization, pre-dating Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. It’s fun to imagine why…

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AYE FINANCE’S MENTORSHIP PROGRAM I sometimes find myself lost at work, unsure of how to proceed with an assigned task, and even Google has drawn a blank. At times like these, I would give anything to be back in school where all I needed to do, when stuck with that annoying algebra equation, is to…

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